Hesperis matronalis alba - Damastbloem (15)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 80 cm.

Bloeit: mei-jun

Type: HB

Winterhard in: zones 5-10 (-15 C)


Zoetgeurend. Bloeit met helderwitte bloemtrosjes. Speelse plant om te combineren.


Zaai-instructies: Kiem in 2-3 wk, 22-24C. Lichtkiemer

Plant-instructies: Volle zon, halfschaduw.




Gorgeously scented pure white flowers are held above rosettes of dark green leaves. Like all sweet rockets it is highly attractive to bees and other beneficial insects, and the fragrant flowers perfume the air in late spring and early summer evenings.


Height: 80 cm.

Flowers: may-jun

Type: HB

Hardy in: zones 5-10 (-15 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Germinates in 2-3 weeks at 22-24 Celsius. Needs light to germinate so hardly cover the seeds.


Planting instructions: Not too wet or too acidic soil. Full sun or partial shade.