Lobelia inflata - Indiaanse tabak (15+)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 50 cm.

Bloeit: jul-aug

Type: HHA

Winterhard in: zones 6-10 (-10C)


Medicinale plant. Hemelsblauwe trompetbloemetjes. Typerend zijn de balvormige vruchtjes.


Zaai-instructies : kiem in 2-3 wk, 18-24C. Lichtkiemer

Plant-instructies : zon/halfschaduw. Vochtig.

Waarschuwing: delen plant zijn giftig




Multiple stems, clothed in narrow willowy-toothed foliage, are surmounted by large, vivid violet-blue flowers, which continue well into the autumn, a most valuable colour at this late season. This is a bog plant and does well at the edge of a pond or stream.


Height: 50 cm.

Flowers: jul-aug

Type: HHA

Hardy in: zones 6-10 (-10 Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow at 18-24C in a good seed sowing mix. Sow seed on surface of sowing mix and gently firm down. Keep mix damp but not wet. Do not exclude light, sealing in a plastic bag after sowing is helpful. Germination usually takes 14-21 days.


Planting instructions: Full sun or partial shade, do not let the soil dry out.


Warning: Parts of the plant are poisonous