Impatiens scabrida - Springzaad (10)

€ 0,45

Hoogte: 80 cm.
Bloeit: jul-okt
Type: HHA
Winterhard in: zones 7-9 (-5 C)


Bijzondere, gele bloemen aan planten die almaar hoger groeien en bloeien tot de vorst valt.


Zaai-instructies : Kiem in 14-21 dg, 18-23C.
Plant-instructies : Niet te droge grond, (half)schaduw





These wonderful buttery yellow impatiens annual is very easy care and a really unusual addition to any garden. Growing best in a shady place, this one will give you a whole summers worth of blossoms. The seeds are very easy to grow.


Height: 80 cm.

Flowers: jul-oct

Type: HHA

Hardy in: zones 7-9 (-5 C)


Sowing instructions: Germinates in 14-21 days at 18-23 Celsius


Planting instructions: Moist soil in (partial) shade