Echium plantagineum - Slangenkruid (15)
Uitbundig bloeiend, met behaard blad en slappe stengels. De bloempjes zijn roze, zalm, lichtblauw, mauve, lila, lavendel of purper. Aan 1 plant! Lokt insecten.
Hoogte: 50 cm.
Bloeit: jul-sep
Type: HHA
Winterhard in: zones 7-11 (-5 Celsius)
Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 7-14 dagen bij 18-20 Celsius
Plant-instructies: zonig plekje met zeer goeddoorlatende grond
If you want a plant that is rich in nectar and that attracts beneficial insects, you will marvel at how well-loved these plants are. Commonly called Viper's Bugloss, this is one of the best flowers for (bumble)bees and is a source of wonderful honey. The flowers fade from bright blue to pretty pink as they age, resulting in a multitude of differently coloured flowers at any time.
Height: 50 cm.
Flowers: jul-sep
Type: HHA
Hardy in: zones 7-11 (-5 Celsius)
Sowing instructions: sow 3mm deep in good seed sowing compost. Germination takes 7-14 days at 18-20 Celsius.
Planting instructions: sunny site with well drained soil