Bupleurum rotundifolium - Doorwas (15)

€ 0,45

Het eucalyptusachtig blad en de geelgroene bloemschermpjes vormen opvallend schikmateriaal voor boeketten

Hoogte: 50 cm.
Bloeit: jun-jul
Type: HHA
Winterhard in: zones 8-9-10 (0 Celsius)

Zaai-instructies: Zaai mar-apr (binnen) of apr-mei (ter plekke) kiemt in 14-30 dagen bij 15-18 Celcius

Plant-instructies: volle zon. Geen bijzondere eisen aan grond of watergeven.


This unusual, self-sowing annual blooms in June and July, looking like an euphorbia. With its blue-green leaves and understated, yellow-green flowers, it makes a great companion plant for showier flowers in border or vase

Height: 50 cm.
Flowers: jun-jul
Type: HHA
Hardy in: zones 8-9-10 (0 Celsius)

Sowing instructions: Sowing time: indoors Mar-Apr or sow outdoors Apr-May. The seed can also be sown outdoors where it is to flower in mid spring. Sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost, 3 mm deep in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 15-18 Celsius.

Planting instructions: full sun. No specific requirements with regard to soil or watering.