Arctotis stoechadifolia - Berenoor (15)

€ 0,45


Kruipende plant met zilvergrijze, viltige, enigszins kleverige en geurende bladeren en zonnige, gele bloemen. In onze streken alleen als eenjarige toe te passen.


Hoogte: 40 cm.

Bloeit: jun-sep

Type: TP

Winterhard in: zones 9-11 (5 Celsius)


Zaai-instructies: Kiemt in 21-35 dagen bij 16-21 Celsius


Plant-instructies: Een zonnig plekje op lichte, goeddoorlatende grond





A sprawling perennial, the silver arctotis forms a striking silver-grey carpet that easily covers an area of about 1.2 m wide, with upright shoots and flowers. The base of the plants become woody with age, but the long, spreading stems and leaves are soft, woolly and slightly sticky with a very strong bitter-sweet smell when touched. The white felted leaves are long and narrow (lance-shaped) with the edges slightly toothed or serrated. The showy flowers are large, single daisies with long, creamy to light yellow petals.


Height: 40 cm.

Flowers: jun-sep

Type: TA

Hardy in: zones ( Celsius)


Sowing instructions: Sow during early spring in a good seed compost just covering the seed with compost and gently firm down, Sealing in a polythene bag after sowing is helpful. Germination usually takes 21-35 days at 16-21 Celsius.


Planting instructions: in a sunny spot on light well drained soil.